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March 29, 1974 - Eight Ohio National Guardsmen were indicted on charges they deprived students of their rights to due process. No conspiracy is alleged. This stems from the shooting deaths of four students at Kent State University during an anti-war protest on May 4, 1970. (The guardsmen were later acquitted.) (From us.military.history)


Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (1970)
>Neil Young wrote this scathing indictment of Kent State just days after National Guard troops shoot four protesters at the Ohio campus; CSNY's single — with its "Four dead in Ohio" chorus — was in stores a week later. The track, propelled by Young's gritty guitar, stands the test of time, even though it's more pointedly topical than most protest songs. Listen to the Real Audio of "Ohio" and other protest songs..


Stiff Right Jab - 'Peace-loving' Protesters: Kent State Revisited
>Liberal media pundits just can't help themselves—to them, peace protesters are almost always, thoughtful, moral, visionary people who only desire peace, love and happiness to reign; loyal citizens who only seek to exercise their democratic voice responsibly; and a voice crying in the wilderness amidst a storm of blood-thirsty drum-beaters, who only seek to bring reason to the debate. If only this were true.

American Places

The ghosts of Kent State
>A famous Vietnam War protest -- and its tragic consequences -- still haunts an Ohio college campus.

Plans for May 4, 2003 Commemoration

Click HERE for the May 4 schedule.

Kent State Hosts Colloquium on Events of May 4, 1970
>Dr. Jerry M. Lewis, emeritus professor of sociology, and Dr. Thomas R. Hensley, professor and chair of the Department of Political Science, will present scholarly commentary on two unpublished manuscripts about the Kent State events of May 4, 1970, at the Frank and McMillen/Armstrong Manuscripts: A Colloquium. The colloquium will be held on April 22 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Kiva of the Kent Student Center on the Kent Campus.

Symposium on Democracy Focuses on "Democracy and Globalization"
>Each year, Kent State hosts a symposium exploring democracy and democratic values as a way to observe and commemorate the events of May 4, 1970, when a confrontation between the Ohio National Guard and demonstrators left four Kent State students dead and nine students wounded. The Fourth Annual Symposium on Democracy, “Democracy and Globalization,” will be held on April 28 and 29. All events will be held in the Kent Student Center Kiva on the Kent Campus.

Resolution to fund May 4 permanently
>Undergraduate Student Senate passed a resolution last night that could permanently establish funds for the yearly May 4 commemoration.

Senate debates future of May 4 referendum
>Undergraduate Student Senate is not sure what do to about the May 4 referendum. Senate introduced the referendum to permanently establish 1.75 percent of USS funds to go to the May 4 Task Force for the yearly commemoration of the death of four students during a Vietnam protest in 1970. But shortly before students were set to vote on whether or not to pass the referendum, Chuck Rickard, interim vice president for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, told Senate he would not acknowledge the referendum.

University discusses May 4 funding
>Undergraduate student senators met with administrators and a university lawyer in a closed meeting yesterday to discuss the May 4 funding referendum.

All referenda pass, Senate is elected
>The May 4 referendum, which would permanently allocate 1.75 percent of USS funds to the May 4 Task Force for yearly commemorations, also passed with 1,103 out of 1,752 students voting to approve it. The university administration has said they will not acknowledge the vote because they believe it is unconstitutional.

University to ignore referendum vote
>The administration said regardless of how students vote on the May 4 Funding Referendum this week, they will ignore the vote. The May 4 referendum would give 1.7 percent of student funds to the May 4 Task Force for the yearly commemoration of the death of four Kent State students during a Vietnam war protest on May 4, 1970.

USS sends May 4 plan to students
>Going against advice from the university counsel, Undergraduate Student Senate approved a referendum that could give 1.7 percent of USS's funds to the May 4 Task Force. Senator Seth Kujat introduced the referendum in September, wanting a small chunk of the Senate's funds to go automatically for the May 4 commemoration.

Faculty Senate votes to oppose war
>Kent State Faculty Senate voted in favor of supporting a resolution opposing war in Iraq at the group's meeting yesterday afternoon in the Governance Chambers. "We do not operate in a vacuum," said Barb Hipsman, associate professor of journalism and mass communication. "We have over 20,000 students who look to us for guidance."

Resolution opposing war to be addressed
>Faculty Senate members will discuss a resolution opposing war with Iraq this afternoon... A similar resolution was voted down in the early 70's. Jerry Lewis, emeritus professor of sociology, said after May 4, the Faculty Senate voted against a resolution that opposed war in Vietnam. "What happens a lot of times is Faculty Senate says, 'This is not appropriate ... We have no jurisdiction over the war,'" Lewis said.

Anti-war protesters end demonstrations
>Anti-war protesters said they will not give up the fight for peace. "I have hope for peace, and I choose to keep resisting," Campus Minister Nicole Bistrom told 37 participants and a handful of onlookers in Friday's peace rally. The three-day long protest and 48-hour hunger strike ended Saturday.

Dear Friends:
I got a note from Nancy Birk of KSU Achives advising me that Dr. John Weiser died Friday morning, Feb. 14, 2003, in Kent. He had cancer. Dr. John was dean of the broadcasting at KSU. It was he who worked out the agreement after 30 years to turn over my 57 reels of tapes, 6,000 documents and items I picked up May 4 found on the ground. They are all now in display cases and the Archives, thanks to him.

Bob "Carp" Carpenter

For Akron Beacon Journal, Record-Courier and Daily Kent Stater obituaries, click here.

Karen Vollmuth of Columbus, Ohio, shields
her candle from the wind Saturday, May 4, 2002,
in the parking lot of Taylor Hall at Kent State
University in Kent, Ohio, for the 32nd Commemoration
of the campus shootings by Ohio National Guardsmen
during anti-war protests. Vollmuth chose to occupy
the spot for William Schroeder, one of the four killed,
because one of her college girlfriends had dated him.
(AP Photo/Jeff Glidden)

How The New York Times reported May 4, 1970.

How the Associated Press reported May 4, 1970.

May 4, 2002 Commemoration

KSU protest peaceful
>Anti-war message carried through Kent; Group heads downtown, disperses.

KSU remembers May 4
>Questions still unanswered for 500 attending ceremonies honoring the 4 dead, 9 wounded

Memorial marks May 1970 deaths on Kent campus
>On May 4, 1970, guardsmen fired 67 shots in 13 seconds at Kent State University. Joseph Lewis and eight others were wounded. Four - Allison Krause, William Schroeder, Jeffrey Miller and Sandra Scheurer - died. "They didn't deserve that," Lewis said.

Taking it to the streets
>Protesters spread anti-war message to downtown Kent

Task force remembers four students

Musician parallels the past with today

'Worth every mile'
>One woman attends the commemoration for her first time

May 4 survivor remembers his unconventional hero

Solemn crowd gathers to commemorate

Cartwright reflects and looks forward

Wounded students speak for the dead

Speaker links May 4 to struggles of Native Americans


KSU protest May 4 irks some
> Those against U.S. war on terrorism upset others at Kent State by holding event same day as commemoration of 1970 shootings.

Kent, Akron police brace for collegiate spring antics
> More than 200 state and local law-enforcement officers in Portage County will be armed with rubber bullets, pepper spray and a new city ordinance to battle riots should they erupt at Kent State University this weekend.

Silent night in Kent nothing like last year
> May Day revelry kept under control near KSU.

Pro-Palestinian essay stirs controversy at KSU
> Kent State University is enduring an intense episode of hate-filled rhetoric as the school approaches the 32nd anniversary of the killing of four students by the National Guard.


May 4, 2001 Commemoration

Funding dispute helps revive May 4 observance at KSU

300 gather to remember slain Kent State students

Hecklers disrupt solemn remembrance of May 4 victims

Kent State Sick Of Media Blitz On May 4

WKSU reporter wins journalism award for May 4 documentary

May 4 art tribute is a family reunion

Using money from the Task Force account, from President Carol Cartwright and from the All-Campus Programing Board for a stage, the Task Force will be putting on three days of commemorations.

Web site claims to list guardsmen involved in 1970 shooting in Kent

Who was Jeffrey Miller?

FBI's Kent State documents

Mystery of the manipulated May 4 photo is solved.

"Changing Perspectives: Re-Evaluating the Kent State Shootings"
April 23, 2001
Emerson College, Boston

An exploration of the events and aftermath surrounding the tragedy that left four students dead on May 4, 1970.

Special guests:
Alan Canfora and Tom Grace, two students wounded at Kent State University
Kent State librarian and archivist Nancy Birk
New media expert Dean Hixson
Documentary filmmakers Gary Anderson and Bonnie Metro
Dr. Anthony Deluca, Prof. Janet Craft, Dr. Michael Brown, Emerson Students

The forum marked the 31st anniversary of the tragedy that left four students dead and thirteen wounded on May 4th, 1970. Thirty-one years ago, National Guardsmen marched upon the campus of Kent State University in response to student demonstrations protesting the Vietnam War and President Nixon's invasion of Cambodia.

For details, contact Dr. Gregory Payne

CRANKSHAFT Copyright 2000

Chuck Ayers' and Tom Batiuk's "Crankshaft" featured a May 4 storyline through May 5, 2000. To view the
series, please push this button.

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Students vote to kill May 4th commemoration

Speakers in doubt for May 4
KSU task force rejects funds from student fees, calling gesture 'hollow'

Students protest funding Bush over May 4

May 4 Task Force refuses reduced funding
The May 4 Task Force calls the small chunk of money given to them at last night's Undergraduate Student Senate allocation committee meeting a "slap in the face" and are refusing to accept it.

May 4 gets second chance at student money
After allegations of bias, conflicting reports over a messy presentation and inaccurate costs, the May 4 Task Force has a second chance to fund commemorations.

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Please record your May 4, 2000, thoughts, memories and emotions on this bulletin board.

The statement composed on May 5th and signed by about 40 people at the Journalism School Reunion Dinner has been revised. Please consider signing this version.

Stater coverage of Rhodes' death

75th Stater Anniversary
50th WKSU Anniversary

Oct. 14, 2000.

Click here for Stater details, and click here for WKSU information.

More Push-Button Links

Streaming video of VH-1's May 4 campus interviews.

WKSU's updated May 4 radio documentary and symposium speakers.

Hear an interview with a witness to the May 4 shootings.

Akron Beacon Journal's report on the events leading up to May 4, 1970.

Ohio university marks 30 years since shooting deaths of 4 students by National Guardsmen.

Digial Journalist's report on the fall of Saigon and the events at Kent State are posted here.

The Daily Kent Stater reports on May 4, 2000.

Why 1970 Alum Larry Rose can't return to campus.

1970 Alum Rich Zitrin's report on returning to campus for May 4, 2000.

Cleveland Scene's report on the events of May 4, 1970.

More of Cleveland Scene's report on the events of May 4, 1970.

The Chronicle of Higher Education reports on former student journalists returning for May 4, 2000.

Kent State remembers tragedy as a bell tolls.

Alum Alan King's memories of May 4.

Alum Ginny McDaniels Adams puts 30 years to rest.

Activism thrives on campuses.

Jeffrey's Legacy: Idealism.

Decades of dissent.

Gunfire still echoes across Ohio campus.

FBI files, Grand Jury report and other documents.

Kent State tragedy revisited.

Kent State photos freeze tragedy in time.


Myron Kukla
Harold Greenberg
Saul Daniels
Richard Margolis
Sue Zimmerman


You've heard the stories.
What touched off the fusillade on May 4?
What's your theory?
Click the button.


Formerly the Chestnut Burr yearbook, The Burr
is now an independent student magazine.
In 2000, the staff produced a
commemorative edition while Kent State Student Media
prepared a companion CD-ROM exclusively about
May 4. The content in this issue explores May 4
as it affects Americans, not just at Kent State,
but around the nation.
Click the button for details.


  • The reunion was featured on Jim Romenesko's MediaNews site.
    Go directly to the story by clicking here.

  • For information on the KSU Alumni Association,
    please call (330) 672-KENT or toll free at 1 (888) 320-KENT,
    or e-mail the Association at

  • Alumni who want to volunteer
    to speak in JMC classes, please e-mail
    Barbara McFarland or call (330) 672-2572.

    Judi and Saul Daniels, Kathleen Schmatz, Harold Greenberg and Marianne Fulton stand vigil May 4, 2000, at the site where Allison Krause was killed. (AP Photo)

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